Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day Three of Quest 2016

Visionary Guide Debbie Millman asks: How would you do business as unusual in 2016 if you knew – no matter what you chose – you would not fail?

Right now I am in that slippery place where I am not sure what I desire. Not sure whether I am doing things because “I’ve always done that” or whether I actually still choose to. I am grateful for the clarity that this week is helping with, because it truly is “getting clear with myself” and it is moving me in a good direction. At least I believe so.

Removing failure from the computation - always a good exercise - what would you do if....

For years, I have wanted to start a Science of Mind charter school - an elementary school that empowers children as creative thinkers while teaching them reading, writing, science and math skills. Our children need us to create spaces for them to succeed.

Since I moved to Eugene, the plight of the homeless has touched my heart. This town likes to think it is liberal and “with it” and “Berkeley North” and it is so very far from that. We have created no way for the shelterless to find a way out.

My greatest fear is that I will die with my “songs” - my words - inside me. I could write - I could put pen to page and create words that inspire and move people to live fuller, richer lives.

I find right now that my energy level is so low that nothing ‘grabs’ my soul and says YES, that’s it. That is where I need to be. And I know the very act of writing these lifts my creative juices and stirs them up. Actually, exploring the question from Day 2 of how to move toward change without making what IS ‘wrong’ sounds like an appealing way to spend my time.

Perhaps by exploring the synthesis of these first three, as Jeffrey, the director of Tracking suggests, I may get even more “clear with myself.”

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